
Short videos:


In 2022, with funding from Enabel, Maendeleo ya Jamii entered into partnership with  BuZARDI, AGODA, CED, and HOGACA to implement the Skilling Youth for Jobs in Agribusiness project. The following short videos were captured during the project and include narrations from just a few of the one hundred youth who enrolled for training through the Skilling Youth for Jobs in Agribusiness project.






A short video highlighting the processes and work involved in Maendeleo ya Jamii’s 2019 research in Uganda’s oil and gas districts:


A short video highlighting the work done by Maendeleo ya Jamii (MYJ) in conducting stakeholder engagement to develop Buliisa District proposals for Total E&P’s ESMP (Environmental and Social Management Plan) for the production and marketing priority area in the Tilenga Project:




Maendeleo ya Jamii (MYJ) is a non-profit organization that works with various entities to develop and implement innovative solutions for community development. MYJ has been working with stakeholders in Uganda’s oil and gas sector to support affected communities in the protection and pursuit of their own interests and priorities.

Betty Bagadira is one of the hundreds of stakeholders who have been actively participating in MYJ’s Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) on oil and gas. She narrates some of her experiences in this short case story video (Runyoro with English subtitles):


Geoffrey Abaza is one of the hundreds of stakeholders who have been actively participating in MYJ’s Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) on oil and gas. He narrates some of his experiences in this short case story video:


Gertrude Mutahakana is one of the hundreds of stakeholders who have been actively participating in MYJ’s Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) on oil and gas. She narrates some of her experiences in this short case story video:


Innocent Asiimwe is one of the hundreds of stakeholders who have been actively participating in MYJ’s Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) on oil and gas. She narrates some of her experiences in this short case story video:


Robert Onen is one of the hundreds of stakeholders who have been actively participating in MYJ’s Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) on oil and gas. He narrates some of his experiences in this short case story video:




A short documentary about local content: Who benefits from oil and gas in Uganda?


A short documentary about the Multi Stakeholder Forums (MSFs) hosted by Maendeleo ya Jamii (MYJ) and the resulting impact on Uganda’s petroleum sector:


A short documentary about the impact of Maendeleo ya Jamii’s Multi Stakeholder Forums on access to information in Uganda’s petroleum sector:


A short documentary about the impact of Maendeleo ya Jamii’s Multi Stakeholder Forums on oil and gas related land issues in Uganda’s Albertine Graben:
